
Building Writing Skills

In first grade, we continue to practice writing in complete sentences. We are getting better at starting each sentence with an upper case letter. We're also learning how to write different types of sentences using a variety of punctuation marks. They're also encouraged to use correctly spelled high frequency words as these words are introduced and practiced.

The students are building their writing skills and becoming 'writers' as they're exposed to different types of texts including opinion pieces, narratives, and explanatory/informational pieces.

Writing Support at Home

Story writing: Write a story along with your child or help support them along the way as they create their own. Encourage them to use family members or important memories when coming up with story ideas. Brainstorming a list of story ideas together is a great place to start!

Family magazine: Drawings or pictures from a magazine can be used to create a family book. Have your child write words to label pictures or write simple sentences.

Cards or letters: For special occasions your child can write cards to friends or family members. Simple letters can be written too.